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Outreach/Mission Ministry

Our Mission

The mission of the Outreach/Mission Ministry is to reach, educate, and empower everyone to know and follow Jesus.

Upcoming Events

You can also purchase tickets at https://square.link/u/lg0XAeMM

For more information contact:  outreach@realchurchwaldorf.com or call 301-660-8578

We strive to make your experience as smooth as possible.  To ensure everyone stays informed you will find details about how to donate, purchase tickets, and become a patron for the fundraising gala all in the flyer below.  We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

For more information please contact us at outreach@realchurchwaldorf.com or call 301-660-8578

For more information about Supporting Hands for the Forgotten please visit:  https://supportinghandsfortheforgotten.org

Patron Sponsorship Form - Supporting Hands for the Forgotten Fundraising Gala

Thank you for considering becoming a sponsor. Your generosity helps us achieve our mission to reach, educate, and empower everyone to know Jesus.

Please complete the form to confirm your sponsorship.

Sponsor Information:

Sponsorship Levels:

**Submit your proof to outreach@realchurchwaldorf.com for approval.  Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025.

Payment Information:

Please contact Carlisa Kent at finance@realchurchwaldorf.com for more payment options.

For more information or questions please contact us at outreach@realchurchwaldorf.com or 301-660-8578.

Global Missions

Supporting Hands for the Forgotten

Have you ever wondered what pastors wives go through in their lives? They listen to everyone, they support their husbands unconditionally as they minister, they have to be strong even when they want to cry. They are the mothers of the church and they are expected to have it all under control.

Supporting hands for the forgotten is here to hold these powerful poles together when they feel the burden is too much to bear. We are the listening ear that won’t judge them but with love offer a safe haven to freely express their emotions, we are the mother to mothers.

Our main interest is the nourishment of these faithful servants of God who seem to be forgotten. Let our pastors wives be lavished with love, dress nice, smell sweet and be recognized for the behind scenes work they do.

If you are a wife to a man of God; we are here for you. We started off our journey upcountry in Kanungu Western Uganda with 20 pastors’ wives, then Kisoga in Mukono Central Uganda with 15 pastors’ wives, and Tororo in Eatern Uganda with over 35 pastors’ wives and 23 pastors’ children; this was with a decent discussion to better understand what they go through.

Please visit https://supportinghandsfortheforgotten.org/ for more information.

Non-Profit Organizations/Resources

Charles County Children’s Aid Society

CCCAS has continually evolved to address the needs of the current community. Early on, the agency handled Charles County’s foster care and adoption services before there was Charles County Department of Social Services. Over time, parenting classes, emergency financial assistance, and many other services have been provided through this agency.

Today, CCCAS is governed by a strong and caring board of directors comprised of members of our community. It offers programs which include school supplies for students, assistance for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, food, clothing, items for the home and more. Over 30,000 Charles County citizens are helped annually.

To learn more: https://www.childrens-aid-society.org/

Lifestyles of Southern Maryland

To provide compassionate programs and services that meet the needs of those who are under served in our community resulting in Help, Hope and Transformation.

Our Core Values

  • Everyone who needs and wants shelter will be sheltered
  • No child will ever go to bed hungry
  • Everyone will have access to quality and affordable physical and mental health
  • Each family will become self-sufficient
  • Everyone who can work will be able to earn a living wage

To learn more: https://lifestylesofmd.org/

Our Place Waldorf

More than a Soup Kitchen –

Our mission is to provide Charles County, Maryland residents in need with a nutritious meal in a welcoming, open, and friendly environment.

Our Place Waldorf’s vision is to improve the quality of life and restore the dignity of Charles County, Maryland residents in need by providing services that reduce and eliminate the dehumanizing effects of hunger and poverty.

To learn more:  http://www.ourplacewaldorf.com/

Poiema Movement

Poiema Movement exists to be that trusted guide. We stand in the gap for women between crisis and change, moving them from brokenness to restoration. Using a holistic approach, our program is aimed at recovery and transformation that leads to lifelong sustainable change.

To learn more: https://www.poiemamovement.com/